Carestreet Senior Living Placement Service

Find the Right Senior Living Community

A Personal & Private Approach

Carestreet is an Overland Park, Kansas-based company that specializes in Senior Care Placement, services, and advocacy.  Our team has decades of experience helping Overland Park and Kansas City families solve various senior living-related challenges, connect with a needed referral resource or find the best senior living placement option or service. Our curated network includes Nursing Homes, Independent Living, Assisted Living, memory care, in-home caregivers, and skilled nursing/long-term care communities in Overland Park and Kansas City.

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Find the Right Senior Living Community

A Personal & Private Approach

Carestreet is an Overland Park, Kansas based company that specializes in Senior Care Placement, services and advocacy.  Our team has decades of experience helping Overland Park and Kansas City families solve various senior living related challenges, connect with a needed referral resource or find the best senior living placement option or service. Our curated network includes Nursing Homes, Independent Living, Assisted Living, memory care, in-home caregivers and skilled nursing/long-term care communities in Overland Park and Kansas City.

Our Services

Carestreet specializes in assisting older adults and their families by:

Assisting with finding the right placement in

Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care Locations

Coordinating in-home caregiving to help you stay at

home longerAssisting with complex cases including

Skilled Nursing, Long Term Care, Rehabilitation and


Helping find nearly any senior resource including meal

delivery, navigating VA benefits and Long Term Care

Insurance applications, negotiating pricing at

communities, transportation, moving, funeral planning

and more

Carestreet partners with your family on every aspect of this journey.


  • Are at an increased risk due to wandering
  • Require two-person transfer, or use of a Hoyer lift
  • Need supervision, or medication reminders
  • Need help bathing, dressing, and toileting
  • Experience symptoms resulting from dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s Disease
  • Need support with catheters or colostomy
  • Are unsatisfied with the larger nursing home environment (or assisted living facility)

We Work for Your Family:


We can assist in solving any senior living related challenge whether placement, in-home caregivers or other hurdles.


Using our curated network and experience - we  research, guide tours and more. No goose chases as we know where beds are available.


We find the best communities in Overland Park and Kansas City. No options are excluded from our search.

Always Personal

 1-on-1 conversations help us understand. Services may be FREE or compensated for work completed.

About us

Allow us to make the calls, take you on tours and walk alongside toward a solution. Every Senior Living option is on the table for our team, drawing from a vast experience finding the placement that fits.  Each case is unique and our working relationship is based on the challenge presented by our families.

Serving all of 

Overland Park and 

Kansas City, KS

This personalized guidance is driven by understanding the specific needs and matching those desires with locations & services best suited to offer a successful solution.

CareStreet is a flexible service tailored to your specific needs.  Resources can be free, billed hourly or as paid on placement . Most importantly, you work directly with us, never having personal information shared to the public.

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